Exquisite designs and attention to details might be qualities that define our work, yet what the Hakubashi team really strives for when working with clients is to find the best visual solutions for them, taking into consideration their ideas, targets and budget; after all, for us listening and giving advice is as important as designing itself – to be of help is our ultimate goal.

graphic design
At Hakubashi we truly enjoy designing amazing graphic materials; from a humble business card to an eye-catching flyer, from a technical brochure to a trade show banner, from a super cool website to an Ikea-style sales catalog – ok, that last one was a stretch.
Count on us for your next graphic solution. You’ll be glad you did. ; )
Remember that careless joy drawing something when you were a child? We still feel that way, even with an ever-growing gray hair population on our heads. Grabbing some pencils and brushes to create while the hours fly by is a blast! (espresso coffee’s still required)
Custom illustrations surely can make your project stand apart, be it a watercolor painting, a detailed line art or a digital rendering. Give it a try!

We love children, social responsibility and Japanese anime. We thought combining those with our passion for creating graphic content might enable us to support good causes; for that purpose we created “Xocololo,” a manga-style children series. Xocololo tells the story of how almost-8-year-old Xoco and her friends use creativity, learning and cooperation to solve the most diverse problems affecting their community. This is a project in its early stages, but we invite you to check Xocololo‘s social presence (@xocololo) for updates. Thanks!